Charcoal Man Sculpture

Charcoal Man Sculpture

Charcoal Man Sculpture:

This beautiful sculpture sits in the woods near High Dam, close to Finsthwaite in Cumbria.

The charcoal man sculpture commemorates the charcoal burning industry carried out in the wood since the building of Furness Abbey in the 12th century.

Charcoal Man Sculpture

Charcoal burning has been a part of Cumbrian life for centuries.

It was an important part of the local economy and culture, providing jobs and income to people in the area.

Charcoal burning was, and still is to a lesser extent, an important part of the local landscape, with many ancient woodlands still being used for charcoal production.

Charcoal was a vital component in the iron smelting process as well as making glass and in the metalwork trades.

Charcoal burning involves burning wood or other organic material in a low-oxygen environment. Conical piles burnt the wood in a kiln over many days.

This process then produces charcoal, which is a combustible material that can be used for fuel or as an ingredient in other materials.

Bark peelers constructed tepee like huts on a circular stone wall with a chimney at the back.

The sculpture sits within the remains of a bark peelers hut.

Bark, particularly oak, has been used for centuries in leather tanning.

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