Arnside Tidal Bore

Arnside Tidal Bore


Arnside Tidal Bore:

When the spring tides are channelled into the narrow Kent Estuary they create a large rare wave called a tidal bore.

Arnside is well known for a rare tidal phenomenon known as the Arnside Tidal Bore.

Typically, Arnside water levels rise significantly after the tidal bore passes.

It is caused by the leading edge of the incoming tide being forced through the narrow bay causing a wave against the direction of the bay’s current.

The tidal bore is most impressive during the spring high tides.

The first sign of the bore approaching is a white line of surf in the distance roaring in from Morecambe Bay. The speed and power of the tidal wave are notoriously fast and best seen from the pier on the promenade.

During the tourist season, Lake District Council provide a warning siren to alert anyone out on the sands of the incoming tide. Many people have been caught out by the danger of the bay sands.

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April 26th
(3 nights)