Cartmel Medieval Fair

Cartmel Medieval Fair

Cartmel Medieval Fair:

Over 2,000 visitors attended The Medieval Cartmel Festival in the quaint village on Saturday, September 30th, 2023. The event celebrated the restoration of the village’s historic market square Fish Slabs and Pinnacle., Cartmel’s Historic Heritage and Community Engagement.

The Medieval Cartmel Festival transported visitors back in time as the village was decked out in banners and street stalls outside the 11th-century Priory and the square.

Cartmel Medieval Fair

The festival celebrated the restoration of Cartmel’s historic Pinnacle and Fish Slabs which have been showing their age from centuries of exposure to the weather.

With the aid of Lottery funding, these important and listed structures have been saved from collapse by a programme of restoration.

Cartmel Medieval Fair

The day’s proceedings were launched with the formal unveiling of the restored Fish Slabs and Pinnacle before the crowds were entertained with a rolling programme of events from juggling jesters to the appearance of Cartmel’s Friesian Black Horses ridden by armour-clad monks.

Cartmel Medieval Fair

Throughout the day, the air resonated with the melodies of minstrels and the lively tunes of medieval musicians.

Cartmel Medieval Fair

Tours of the village and rare public access to the Priory’s Bell tower were quickly sold out.


The Medieval Cartmel Festival of 2023 was a magical journey back in time, seamlessly blending history, entertainment, and community spirit.

As the day’s events concluded in the enchanting village of Cartmel, attendees left with hearts full of memories and a deep appreciation for the timeless charm of the Middle Ages.

Cartmel Medieval Fair

The festival not only celebrated history but also served as a testament to the enduring power of community and the ability of a small village to transport its inhabitants and visitors alike to a world of knights, minstrels, and medieval splendour.

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